Clash of clans witch attack
Clash of clans witch attack

Mix and match: 2 healers, 2 golems, 9 witches and wiz. (2 healers 5 witches for each flank, rest for main squad). Witch Slap: 4 healers, 10 witches, golem and wiz. (You could also try freeze / skellies instead of one poison, depending on your plan.) For the last spell, decide if you need a second jump (base dependent), heal, or rage. Spells: You're typically going to need at least one heal, one rage, one jump, your own poison and CC poison. If your queen's going down one of the flanks instead, use a few wiz incase there is a Dragon in enemy CC. If the outer layer of walls can be reliably broken, take 4 wb. Typically the main squad concists of CC bowlers, heroes and a golem. (You might need a couple of wiz, and or a giant to help creating the funnel.) They will create a funnel for your main squad. Your main squad: When doing the attack you're going to drop your flank troups first. If you see point and splash damage mixed in, try a golem with 3 or 4 witches.

clash of clans witch attack clash of clans witch attack

But depending on the base and your skill, you might get away with three healers. I usually use 4 healers on the QW, esp if I'm pulling the CC. Or pull the CC and kill it with your QW). (In this case send at least 3 or 4 wiz to the core with your KS in case there is a dragon in enemy CC. If one flank has only splash, consider queen walking it. (You might sprinkle in giants as the witches make their way down so that the witches don't get taken out by bombs.) If one flank has only point defences (usually coupled with air defences), send about 4 to 6 witches. If one flank has an air defence more than 3/4 the way down, use two healers and 4 witches. Now decide how you're going to take the left and right flanks: Usually it's one where enemy heroes, or CC will draw your heroes / bowlers to the core. Also, I recommend 20 20 heroes (or even 20 25 heroes.) It may work with lower, but I haven't tried.įirst decide which side you're going to come from. Troup Levels: I strongly recommend max TH9 troups. For instance, hogs - here is a guide I wrote to TH9 hogging for one of our previous wars. But if you're in doubt, there are likely other strategies that are a sure shot. For instance, I avoid using witches on the following types of bases:īases with a defenceless core, or very spread out bases where core bowlers wont get much value.īases that can't be opened up with one or two jumps.īases where CC or heroes might lure your Bowlers away from the core.Īgain, witches may work on the above types of bases or the specific base you're facing.

clash of clans witch attack

There are, however, certain bases where witches might work but other strategies may be easier. NOTE: Many guides say "All bases can be taken with ". Send heroes, CC bowlers and a golem down the middle to destroy the core and CC

clash of clans witch attack

Send 3 to 5 witches (supported by giants, golems or healers) down each flank of the base.

Clash of clans witch attack